Newest Stories

Featuring inspirational and educational stories on health, wellness, and living foods.

NutritionImmunity 101: How to Stay Healthy this Winter

Immunity 101: How to Stay Healthy this Winter

Strengthen your immunity with healthy habits and probiotic-rich fermented foods, like raw kombucha. 

NutritionIt’s “Better-For-You,” But is it “Healthy?"

It’s “Better-For-You,” But is it “Healthy?"

Just because something is found in a health food store, does not mean it is made with healthy ingredients. Take a look at why SYNERGY Raw Kombucha is one of the healthiest foods you can buy. 

NutritionIs Alcohol Bad for Your Gut Health? An Expert Weighs In 

Is Alcohol Bad for Your Gut Health? An Expert Weighs In 

Being intentional about your alcohol consumption can be a great practice to embrace for gut health. Here are tips on how to celebrate tonight, and enjoy tomorrow.

NutritionWhat Are Living Foods?

What Are Living Foods?

Elevate your mind, body, and spirit by incorporating living foods like raw kombucha into your diet. 

NutritionWoman enjoying GT's COCOYO Living Coconut Yogurt

Why Pure Ingredients Are Critical When Buying Plant-Based Yogurt

If you are looking to introduce healthier habits to your lifestyle, swapping out processed foods and dairy for plant-based alternatives straight from Mother Earth, is an easy and delicious solution.

NutritionHow to Practice Mindful Eating

How to Practice Mindful Eating

You know that age-old saying “you are what you eat”? Well, it turns out it’s a popular phrase for a reason. What you eat influences your health in profound ways, from reducing your risk for disease...