Newest Stories

Featuring inspirational and educational stories on health, wellness, and living foods.

Health & WellnessPeople pouring AURA Strawberry Guava into cup

Introducing AURA Collagen Tea

Boost natural collagen production with the newest member of the GT’s Living Foods family.

Health & WellnessPeople smiling drinking GT's SYNERGY

GT's Guide to Finding Your Favorite SYNERGY Flavor

Incorporating kombucha into your wellness routine benefits your mind, body, and spirit. Here’s our guide on finding the flavor (or flavors) you’ll love. 

Health & WellnessPerson doing yoga at sunset by ocean

Can Exercise Aid in a Healthier Gut

Exercise not only improves your physical and mental health, but research also shows it has a positive impact on the microbiome. 

Health & WellnessThe History of Kombucha Ancient Origins Watercolor Image

The History of Kombucha: Ancient Origins for Healing Today

Kombucha has a rich and storied history, filled with mystery, legend, and a delicious, invigorating bite. Today, you can find kombucha in your local natural grocer, supermarket, and most stores. Bu...

Health & WellnessLooking out of a rainy airplane window at wing on runway

How to Stay Active While Traveling

Staying healthy during times of travel is no easy feat. Between indulgent celebrations and jet lag, finding time to stay active can be challenging. Here is how to keep healthy habits intact this se...

Health & WellnessHand with turkey tail, reishi, and chaga mushrooms

What are Adaptogenic Mushrooms and How Do They Benefit You? 

ALIVE Ancient Elixirs harnesses the powerful antioxidants from a potent trio of three ancient and nutrient-rich mushrooms: turkey tail, reishi, and chaga. Here's how they heal.